Thank you for using RPG MAKER UNITE!
We are very pleased to provide the details about version 1.2.0 below, so do read carefully.
Version 1.2.0 includes several major feature additions and numerous fixes.
In particular, support for Unity 6 and WebGL builds has been added!
There have also been improvements to the event creation flow and other features to broaden the scope of game development.
With the release of Unity6, the recommended version will be updated as well.
Although this is the beta release, the recommended version will be changed to Unity 6 from the next version.
We have also released a beta version of WebGL build support, in order to support users who have been asking for browser play.
Due to the demands of WebGL as a platform, we are working on providing information such as recommended application size and precautions to help UNITE developers achieve reliable performance.
Unfortunately, due to changes in Unity 6, implementation of the outline function has been canceled.
We will consider restoring the same function in the future, but we ask for your understanding at this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We will continue to improve the functionality of the tool to make it even easier to use, and will respond to any problems or requests as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support!
◆Update Contents
[New Features]
- [Beta] Unity 6 is now supported!
Click here for Asset Store version installation instructions
Click here for the installation procedure for the Epic Store version. - [Beta] WebGL is now supported as a build target.
Click here for build instructions - Universal Render Pipeline is now supported.
- Added list view mode to the event selection window.
- Added event function to display a mini-map.
- Added an event function to set a resurrection point after a game over.
- Added a “Menu” button and “Released” condition to input conditions.
[Feature Updates]
- Updated the Display Picture command to work with Common Events.
- Modified the menu function during gameplay so that menu decisions are made in one step instead of two steps (selection and decision).
[Bug Fixes]
Fixed a problem in which projects were limited to 20 movement routes when updating an existing project.
Fixed an issue where a black image is displayed on some screens when the map is output as an image.
Fixed an issue where color cannot be set for the title text.
Fixed an issue where a white square would appear in the item window during the game for items that do not have an icon set
Fixed an issue where volume and other parameters were not updated properly when triggering music that is the same track as the one currently playing.
Fixed an issue where automatic movement was not executed when an event with a trigger condition for appearance is triggered.
Fixed an issue in which subsequent events were not executed after “Change Vehicle BGM” was executed.
Fixed an issue where some vehicle settings were not updated correctly if those settings were different from the character's.
Fixed an issue where the list of events viewed in another event would be displayed incorrectly if a listed event did not have a name set.
Fixed an issue that prevented pasting when two or more of HP/MP/TP were checked in “Increase/Decrease Enemy Character Status”.
Fixed a problem in which the selection process for event execution was incorrect when two or more of HP/MP/TP of “Increase/Decrease Enemy Character Status” were checked.
Fixed an issue where “Increase/Decrease Enemy Character Status” could be created in custom movement settings.
Fixed an issue where some sounds would not play when “Open Save Screen” was used.
Fixed an issue where right-clicking on the save screen opened with “Open Save Screen” would not close the save screen when menu operations were disabled with “Change Menu Disable”.
Fixed a problem in the sample game that could occur when some equipment is deleted.
Fixed an issue where party characters could lag behind a moving player when using the “Custom Move” function.
Fixed display for the “Event Execution Details” tab of the “Event Position Settings" function.
[Deleted Function]
- Removed outline functionality, as part of the Graph Tools Foundation package features needed by the function are not available in Unity 6.
◆Update Procedure
Please refer to the following articles for information on how to perform the update, as the procedure is slightly different for each platform.
Click here for the Asset Store update procedure
Click here for the Epic Game Store update procedure
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