What is the Database?
The Database is where you can edit the settings for actors, classes, equipment, skills, enemies, and more.
Each item listed here is something that can be created and manipulated by you.
1.Initial Settings
Edit various parts of the UI, including the title screen, game menus, battle menu, etc., in addition to the terms, options, system settings, and more.
Edit settings relating to the game's title screen.
Create and edit characters, vehicles, and classes that appear in the game.
3.Edit Battles
Edit settings relating to the battles the player will engage in. This includes creating and editing enemies and enemy groups.
*The encounter settings for each map can be edited in Map Settings.
Change settings for the BGM and sound effects.
Create, edit, and delete skills, including magic or special skills, that can be used by actors or enemies in battle.
Create, edit, and delete states, such as Dead, Sleep, or Blind, that can applied to actors or enemies in battle.
7.Edit Equipment/Items
Create, edit, and delete weapons, armor, and items.
7-1.Edit Equipment/Items Weapons
7-2.Edit Equipment/Items Armor
7-3.Edit Equipment/Items Items
Create, edit, and delete elements as well as skill, weapon, and armor types.
Create, edit, and delete battle effects. The particles for these battle effects will be taken from those registered in the Resource Manager.
Common Events usually occur more than once throughout the game and are called upon from within other events that are on maps or from within events set to enemy groups. Create, edit, and delete common events here.
Certain resources must first be registered before they can be used within RPG Maker Unite. Field characters, objects, SV battlers, SV weapon animations, balloon icons, overlays (state animations for SV battles), battle effects, etc., must all be registered beforehand.
Switches are variables that can be turned ON and OFF. They can serve as a condition for an event to be triggered, for the conditional branching of an event command, and more. The list of all switches is displayed here and their names can be freely edited.
Variables are containers of various data that change in the game. Numbers are stored.
Create a new map from a pre-prepared template map.
Create, edit, and save tiles and tile groups that are needed to edit maps. You can also select a map from the Map List to edit it.
Additional effects that can be set to actors, classes, weapons, armor, enemies, and states.
Additional effects that can be set to skills and items.
The auto guide is a feature for those new to creating games that will suggest appropriate values for certain settings for classes, skills, enemies, weapons, and armor.
19. debugging function
The debug function is invoked with the F9 key during test play execution.
The debug function can be used to check "switches," "variables," and "check/change self-switch values for map events.
It can be closed with the F9 key or the button on the controller corresponding to the ESC/Cancel input or the key on the keyboard.
The debug function can be called in the same place as the menu.
Note that this function does not work with built games.
20. save function
Saves game progress and setting information during test play execution.
The save data is saved as a JSON file and stored in the user area.
・Destination of saved data
C:/Users/[user name]/AppData/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/[Unite project name]
Mac: C:/Users/[username]/AppData/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/[Unite project name
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/DefaultCompany/[Unite's project name]]
The content saved by the save function includes game settings, UI information, and game progress information.
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