General Questions/一般質問
This is a thread where you can ask general questions about RPG Maker Unite.
これはRPG Maker Uniteに関する一般的な質問についてのスレッドです。
Hi, my name is Zack. Will we be able to play trial version of RMU? Is there a trial version for it?
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Hi. On the RPG Maker Unite Beginner Course > Map creation/Basics 2 > Learn how tile groups work > [Tips] Large tile data , I would like to inquire precisely.
From what I had read, does it mean that we can do parallax-mapping-level mapping on the fly?
What I mean is...ages past in RM communities, we'd do parallax/panorama mapping in separate
graphic design software like GIMP, Ps, or even Paint Tool Sai etc, but with RMUnite, can we do it from the get go? Like, instead of parallaxing a building that we want to put in the game map, we can instead select said building and directly place it on screen?
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What are the technical limitations of the engine? Can the actors go beyond level 99?