Please add a feature that will make the enemies animated.
I noticed that in unite there is no add-on (at the moment) that will enable this. Can you please add this kind of feature? Having animated enemies would make the games better.
If anybody has an idea on this one, please share.
This is a good request Paolo, I'll get this added to the list.
If it used a regular Sprite Renderer it wouldn't be a problem at all. Think of all the time they could have spent fixing bugs and getting this thing working properly if they wouldn't have spent time creating their own animation system.
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I have to say, that of all the things that are missing, this is the most baffling one. The ability to add as many frames of animation to your actors was such a huge improvement over standalone RPG Makers. Not having that ability with enemies is head-scratching. Of course, if the enemies and characters were sprite based, creators could solve this on their own.
Baz, is there any chance we could get a fix for the characters and enemies being on a UI layer? This would solve 90 percent of the problems I have with this asset. I'm guessing the answer is no.
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Baz, is there any chance we could get a fix for the characters and enemies being on a UI layer? This would solve 90 percent of the problems I have with this asset. I'm guessing the answer is no.
This has been brought up and reported. While your outcome guess is probably correct, I still think it deserves to be brought up to the developers.
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Hey James, I'm running into the problem where you actually *can't* add as many animations to character battlers as you want. If you go over the default number of animations (usually 6 to 8) then Unite will inexplicably shrink the size of your characters on-screen!
Unite needs something like the Dragonbones plugin available for MZ. But really, why this needs to be an addon is beyond me. Should have been available out of the box!
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It has been a while. Any chance that we can now find a way to animate enemies?
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It has been a while. Any chance that we can now find a way to animate enemies?
Hello Paolo, this is still currently on the request list.